La blonde triple, brewed for the bold.

La Bestiale triple is like no other beer. Despite its 8,4° and its strong personality, the Bestiale triple is suprisingly cool, with exotic and captivating aromas and possesses hints of mandarin, pineapple and coconut thanks to an uncommon hop.
We have taken the decision to move away from the traditional “old man’s triple beer” here by avoiding ripe banana esters. Indeed, with less body and lighter, the Bestiale triple breaks all the rules and offers exceptional drinkability for its alcohol content! Proudly represented by a massive bear, la Bestiale triple is a chance for you to challenge those stronger than you…
La Bestiale triple, no additives or artificial flavours for (still) 8,4% alcohol, 100% natural ingredients and 100% fun!
Vol. ALC.
EBC: 17
IBU: 33
La Bestiale triple rose from its lair in the peculiar time of the Covid-19 pandemic, in December 2020. After more than a year of experimenting and research to find the best aromas, it was able to count on the community’s usual appetite for tasting prototypes and choosing their favourite beer before a new lockdown. But impossible isn’t part of Bestiale’s vocabulary: the triple was presented to the community and the press during a unique tasting… online!
La Bestiale triple was conceived according to the Bestiale method: respect for the purest tradition, but with an added spark of insanity. Behind this third beer was the will to offer a triple beer that was different and unique, that stands out from the rest of the market. A manufacturing process that required the development of over 30 variants before arriving at this product.